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I'm sure you'll enjoy the following blog post on asexuality. Here's a post with no introduction. It's informative and factual. I hope you enjoy it. I'm sure you'll enjoy the following blog post on asexuality. Here's a post with no introduction. It's informative and factual. I hope you enjoy it.===Create an honest title== *"How to Turn Yourself Into a Paperclip"* *Become the most useful object in the world and impress everyone with your high-quality construction and impressive versatility!* You'll need: thumbtacks, string, pins, rubber bands, scissors, and an old credit card or paperclip. Follow these easy steps to transform yourself into a paperclip-like creature. You might want to start with some string, rubber bands, pins, scissors, thumbtacks, and an old credit card. The credit card or paperclip may be used in your transformation at the end of the experiment. Set up an assembly line. Next you'll need to cut out some triangles out of scrap cardboard. Slide one of the triangular pieces between two rubber bands so that it can spin freely on your finger (see diagram). This will be your cutting tool. Now make a small hole with a thumb tack about 1/8" from the tip of your finger. Next you'll need to hold a pin between your teeth, preferably between the molars. This will be the drill for boring a hole into your finger. Apply rubber bands one at a time to build up pressure on the drill as it rotates inside your finger. For the first layer, apply each rubber band tightly around your finger so that there is no slack. In subsequent layers, have one or two rubber bands loose enough so that they can slide freely over the others without resistance from them unless they are compressed by being pulled on from above, below, or both directions at once (see diagram). Apply a small amount of light pressure to the drill with the pin. The effort should be such that you can still move your finger freely after each successive application of rubber bands. Thus, the layers should loosely overlap one another so that they don't bind too tightly. You're almost ready for final assembly: First cut off your finger, and then carefully remove the two layers of rubber bands and cut them apart without disturbing any other parts. cfa1e77820

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